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If you are not calling with an investor-related question, we can be reached at (800) 227-4878 or 800-CAR-GURUS. For investor inquiries, you can reach CarGurus Investor Relations at investors@cargurus.com.
CarGurus’ corporate headquarters are in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
CarGurus is incorporated in Delaware.
CarGurus’ stock is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol CARG.
CarGurus’ fiscal year is based on the calendar year.  The last day of the fiscal year is December 31. 
CarGurus does not pay dividends.
CarGurus’ transfer agent is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.
CarGurus’ transfer agent, Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc. (Broadridge), is available to answer questions about CarGurus’ stock. Broadridge’s address is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc., Attn: IWS, 51 Mercedes Way Edgewood, NY 11717; and its telephone number is 877-830-4936.
CarGurus currently does not offer a direct stock purchase plan.
CarGurus’ independent auditors are Ernst & Young, LLP.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP.
You can access CarGurus’ latest news releases within the News & Events section of this website and financial reports (including SEC filings) within the Financials section.
When CarGurus sets a date for the quarterly earnings release, CarGurus will announce it in a release to be published under News & Events section.
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If you are not calling with an investor-related question, we can be reached at (800) 227-4878 or 800-CAR-GURU. For investor inquiries, you can reach CarGurus Investor Relations at investors@cargurus.com.

CarGurus’ corporate headquarters are in Boston, Massachusetts.

CarGurus is incorporated in Delaware.

CarGurus’ stock is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol CARG.

CarGurus’ fiscal year is based on the calendar year.  The last day of the fiscal year is December 31. 

CarGurus does not pay dividends.

CarGurus’ transfer agent is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.

CarGurus’ transfer agent, Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc. (Broadridge), is available to answer questions about CarGurus’ stock. Broadridge’s address is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc., Attn: IWS, 51 Mercedes Way Edgewood, NY 11717; and its telephone number is 877-830-4936.

CarGurus currently does not offer a direct stock purchase plan.

CarGurus’ independent auditors are Ernst & Young, LLP.

Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP.

You can access CarGurus’ latest news releases within the News & Events section of this website and financial reports (including SEC filings) within the Financials section.

When CarGurus sets a date for the quarterly earnings release, CarGurus will announce it in a release to be published under News & Events section.